Access through the Science activity database menu and search (right or below).
This database is for my own teaching (hence there are constant additions and changes) but I am glad to share it with others who seek ideas for hands-on science.
Every activity is a 15-30 minute hands-on science experience, that can be run alone or partnered with others. A lesson plan is an hour or more long, and includes two or three activities. My experiments are generally low-tech as I strive to use materials that are familiar, easily obtainable and budget-conscious. Many have been run in Elementary school classrooms and after-school science programs in Vancouver, and others were developed in science centres and botanical gardens in Canada and the US.
All activities and lesson plans are linked to the Elementary science curriculum of British Columbia, Canada. The database includes Science content links, and by their hands-on nature all activities incorporate many of the Science curricular competencies. For easier reference, here are summary tables of the BC K-7 Science Content and Curricular Competencies.
I have only a few math activities in the database, but here is a table of K-7 (BC curriculum) outdoor hands-on math ideas.
NOTE BUG: sometimes an attachment is not available (when the file name is clicked it goes back to the home page). Until we can fix this intermittent problem, use this workaround: remove "index.php/" from the activity page url (so it reads: Then the attachment should load fine. I can also email you pdfs anytime.