
Eyes: blind spot

Find your own blind spot
Science content
Biology: Sensing, Organ Systems (4, 5, 6)
Lessons activity is in
  • image of a spot and cross, attached below

Print out the spot and cross image, or use the photo above.
Cover your right eye and hold the spot and cross image at arm’s length (or put your head at arms length from the computer screen), with your nose centred between the spot and the cross.
Stare at the cross, then slowly move the paper towards you/move your head towards the computer screen. Keep staring at the cross; keep your nose centred.
When the paper /screen is 20-30cm away from your face, the spot disappears, as the spot is over the blind spot of your left eye.
This is a tricky activity - keep trying, and make sure you are staring at the cross the whole time.

Attached documents

Hard for Ks and some grade 1s.

Grades taught
Gr K
Gr 1
Gr 2